Tribes Make Use of Massage Therapist Salt Lake City

Massage Therapist

One way to maintain the health of any tribe is to visit a massage therapist Salt Lake City (or any other city for that reason). Making use a massage therapist on a regular basis is a great way to reduce stress and loosen tight muscles. And we all know that a relaxed tribe is a healthy tribe. The science behind this is very well founded. Stress causes the release of a hormone called cortisone. This hormone works to engage the fight or flight reaction which is great for running away from saber toothed tigers but not so great for navigating the modern world.


When man was in his primitive state there existed a greater need for the fight or flight response. As such, millions of years of evolution worked to craft this most necessary biological mechanism. When primitive man found himself in a dangerous situation his adrenal glands secreted cortisol and adrenaline into his system. This instantly gave him greater strength and stamina. With these increased powers he could either fight the saber toothed tiger or run away from the saber toothed tiger. This of course was a natural and healthy response.

In modern times however there are no longer saber toothed tigers. Nor are there life threatening events that occur with a frequency that primitive man experienced. However, the biological systems that took millions of years to form still exist in the body. And the mind has a tendency to misinterpret situations to be more threatening than they actually are. As a result the body secrets cortisol resulting from stress. This happens on an on going basis which is not healthy because there are negative side effects to this process. For this reason anything that can be used to reduce stress is a good thing.