Tribal Health Depends Very Little on the Possession of a Tote Pump

It is the considered opinion of the research department of the C. R. S. T. Tribal Health Blog that the health of any tribe be it Iroquois or Sioux does not depend in any measurable function upon whether or not that particular tribe has a tote pump in its collective possession. This really should not be a surprise to anyone who reads this blog on a consistent basis. Tribal health depends on many things including diet, exercise, living conditions, mental state, sanitation and the like. This particular piece of equipment does not impact any of those factors in any real way as far as we can tell.


Therefore if we were to offer advice based on this finding it would basically come in two parts. Under the first part we would advise our readers that if they were thinking of purchasing this particular piece of equipment but were hesitating because they were uncertain as to the health effects that might occur based on that purchase, we would tell them to go ahead and make the purchase. Under the second part, if our readers already had this particular piece of equipment within their possession and were worried about the potential health effects we would advise those readers that there is no need to be worried about this.

In other words there is no connection (as far as we can tell based upon independent research) between the health of a tribe and their possession of this particular piece of equipment. Therefore whether or not a tribe owns this particular piece of equipment should in no way impact any of their health related decisions. That is to say that tribe members should make their health decisions independent of whether they own this particular piece of equipment.